Results for 'Karen Fadnes Brattebø'

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  1.  54
    Culture or language: what drives effects of grammatical gender?Sieghard Beller, Karen Fadnes Brattebø, Kristina Osland Lavik, Rakel Drønen Reigstad & Andrea Bender - 2015 - Cognitive Linguistics 26 (2):331-359.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Cognitive Linguistics Jahrgang: 26 Heft: 2 Seiten: 331-359.
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    Meeting the universe halfway: quantum physics and the entanglement of matter and meaning.Karen Barad - 2007 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    A theoretical physicist and feminist theorist, Karen Barad elaborates her theory of agential realism, a schema that is at once a new epistemology, ontology, and ethics.
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    Purposiveness in nature: Hegel and Spinoza on anthropomorphism and backward causation.Karen Koch - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (3):463-478.
    My aim in this paper is to investigate Hegel’s relation to Spinoza’s account of teleology by discussing Spinoza and Hegel’s stance to two straightforward objections against teleological views of reality: the anthropomorphism objection and the backward causation objection. I show that both argue against a teleological account that would be committed to the anthropomorphism objection by raising the same argument: such a divine intelligence would lack what it desires to realize. I then argue that their dealing with the backward causation (...)
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    What is the shape of developmental change?Karen E. Adolph, Scott R. Robinson, Jesse W. Young & Felix Gill-Alvarez - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (3):527-543.
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  5. Forces impacting the production of organic foods.Karen Klonsky - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (3):233-243.
    Roughly 20 percent of organic cropland wasdevoted to produce compared to only 3 percent forconventional agriculture in 1995. At the otherextreme, only 6 percent of organic cropland was incorn production while 25 percent of all croplandproduced corn. Only 30 percent of all organicfarmland was in pasture and rangeland compared to 66percent of all farmland. Clearly, these differencesreflect the greater importance of meat and dairyproduction in agriculture overall than in the organicsubsector. In recent years, the organic industry hasgrown not only in (...)
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    Measuring Teachers’ Social-Emotional Competence: Development and Validation of a Situational Judgment Test.Karen Aldrup, Bastian Carstensen, Michaela M. Köller & Uta Klusmann - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:519912.
    Teachers’ social-emotional competence is considered important to master the social and emotional challenges inherent in their profession and to build positive teacher-student relationships. In turn, this is key to both teachers’ occupational well-being and positive student development. Nonetheless, an instrument assessing the profession-specific knowledge and skills that teachers need to master the social and emotional demands in the classroom is still lacking. Therefore, we developed the Test of Regulation in and Understanding of Social Situations in Teaching (TRUST), which is a (...)
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  7. Welfare Economics and the Welfare State in Historical Perspective.Karen Knight - manuscript
    Although the economic thought of Marshall and Pigou was united by ethical positions broadly considered utilitarian, differences in their intellectual milieu led to degrees of difference between their respective philosophical visions. This change in milieu includes the influence of the little understood period of transition from the early idealist period in Great Britain, which provided the context to Marshall’s intellectual formation, and the late British Idealist period, which provided the context to Pigou’s intellectual formation. During this latter period, the pervading (...)
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  8. Gaslighting by Crowd.Karen C. Adkins - 2019 - Social Philosophy Today 35:75-87.
    Most psychological literature on gaslighting focuses on it as a dyadic phenomenon occurring primarily in marriage and family relationships. In my analysis, I will extend recent fruitful philosophical engagement with gaslighting by arguing that gaslighting, particularly gaslighting that occurs in more public spaces like the workplace, relies upon external reinforcement for its success. I will ground this study in an analysis of the film Gaslight, for which the phenomenon is named, and in the course of the analysis will focus on (...)
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  9.  28
    On Manners.Karen Stohr - 2011 - Routledge.
    Many otherwise enlightened people often dismiss etiquette as a trivial subject or—worse yet—as nothing but a disguise for moral hypocrisy or unjust social hierarchies. Such sentiments either mistakenly assume that most manners merely frame the “real issues” of any interpersonal exchange or are the ugly vestiges of outdated, unfair social arrangements. But in _On Manners_, Karen Stohr turns the tables on these easy prejudices, demonstrating that the scope of manners is much broader than most people realize and that manners (...)
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  10.  35
    Choosing Freedom: A Kantian Guide to Life.Karen Stohr - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    An exploration of everything Kant's philosophy can teach us about being the best people we can be, from using our human reasoning to its fullest potential to being affably drunk at dinner parties. Immanuel Kant is well known as one of the towering figures of Western philosophical history, but he is less well known for his savvy advice about hosting dinner parties. This philosophical genius was a man of many interests and talents: his famously formal and abstract ethical system is (...)
  11.  48
    We Need More Transitional Justice.Karen C. Adkins - 2019 - Social Philosophy Today 35:173-175.
    Most psychological literature on gaslighting focuses on it as a dyadic phenomenon occurring primarily in marriage and family relationships. In my analysis, I will extend recent fruitful philosophical engagement with gaslighting by arguing that gaslighting, particularly gaslighting that occurs in more public spaces like the workplace, relies upon external reinforcement for its success. I will ground this study in an analysis of the film Gaslight, for which the phenomenon is named, and in the course of the analysis will focus on (...)
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    Top Marx?Karen Adler - 2002 - Philosophy Now 37:20-22.
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  13.  59
    Learning and exploration: Lessons from infants.Karen E. Adolph, Ludovic M. Marin & Frederic F. Fraisse - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):213-214.
    Based on studies with infants, we expand on Stoffregen & Bardy's explanation of perceptual motor errors, given the global array. Information pick-up from the global array is not sufficient without adequate exploratory movements and learning to support perceptually guided activity.
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    A history of God: the 4000-year quest of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.Karen Armstrong - 1993 - New York: Gramercy Books.
    Over 700,000 copies of the original hardcover and paperback editions of this stunningly popular book have been sold. Karen Armstrong's superbly readable exploration of how the three dominant monotheistic religions of the world—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—have shaped and altered the conception of God is a tour de force. One of Britain's foremost commentators on religious affairs, Armstrong traces the history of how men and women have perceived and experienced God, from the time of Abraham to the present. From classical (...)
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  15.  77
    A co-citation analysis of cross-disciplinarity in the empirically-informed philosophy of mind.Karen Yan & Chuan-Ya Liao - 2023 - Synthese 201 (5):1-35.
    Empirically-informed philosophy of mind (EIPM) has become a dominant research style in the twenty-first century. EIPM relies on empirical results in various ways. However, the extant literature lacks an empirical description of how EIPM philosophers rely on empirical results. Moreover, though EIPM is essentially a form of cross-disciplinary research, it has not been analyzed as cross-disciplinary research so far. We aim to fill the above two gaps in the literature by producing quantitative and qualitative descriptions of EIPM as a kind (...)
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  16.  38
    Unconscious perception of meaning: A failure to replicate.Karen A. Nolan & Alfonso Caramazza - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 20 (1):23-26.
  17.  60
    A minimal Prikry-type forcing for singularizing a measurable cardinal.Peter Koepke, Karen Räsch & Philipp Schlicht - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (1):85-100.
    Recently, Gitik, Kanovei and the first author proved that for a classical Prikry forcing extension the family of the intermediate models can be parametrized by $\mathscr{P}(\omega)/\mathrm{finite}$. By modifying the standard Prikry tree forcing we define a Prikry-type forcing which also singularizes a measurable cardinal but which is minimal, i.e., there are \emph{no} intermediate models properly between the ground model and the generic extension. The proof relies on combining the rigidity of the tree structure with indiscernibility arguments resulting from the normality (...)
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  18.  61
    The attitudes of business Majors toward the teaching of business ethics.Karen Stewart, Linda Felicetti & Scott Kuehn - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (8):913 - 918.
    Business majors were tested for their attitudes toward the teaching of business ethics in university business education. Respondents indicated that they considered ethics an important part of a business curriculum and that they preferred integrating ethics into a number of different courses rather than taking a separate compulsory or elective ethics course. Ethical business practices were seen by respondents as increasing profit and return on investment and creating a positive work environment and public perception of the organization.
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    Minding the Gap: Moral Ideals and Moral Improvement.Karen Stohr - 2019 - New York, NY, USA: Oup Usa.
    The book is an exploration of how we narrow the gap between our moral ideals and our actual selves. It develops an account of moral improvement as a practical project requiring what Karen Stohr calls a "moral neighborhood." Moral neighborhoods are constructed through social practices that instantiate shared moral ideals in a flawed world.
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  20.  13
    A different order of difficulty: literature after Wittgenstein.Karen Zumhagen-Yekplé - 2020 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    This innovative critical study reinterprets Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophy for the study of modernist and contemporary literature and brings Wittgenstein into literary conversations around problems of difficulty, ethical instruction, and the yearning for transformation. Central to Karen Zumhagen-Yekple͹'s book are her critical readings of key modernist texts by Franz Kafka, Virginia Woolf, and James Joyce. Throughout, Zumhagen-Yekplé brings to bear an interpretive framework that she derives from Wittgenstein's gnomic "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" (first published in English in 1922, the "annus mirabilis" of (...)
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  21.  69
    Postmarital Residence and Bilateral Kin Associations among Hunter-Gatherers.Karen L. Kramer & Russell D. Greaves - 2011 - Human Nature 22 (1-2):41-63.
    Dispersal of individuals from their natal communities at sexual maturity is an important determinant of kin association. In this paper we compare postmarital residence patterns among Pumé foragers of Venezuela to investigate the prevalence of sex-biased vs. bilateral residence. This study complements cross-cultural overviews by examining postmarital kin association in relation to individual, longitudinal data on residence within a forager society. Based on cultural norms, the Pumé have been characterized as matrilocal. Analysis of Pumé marriages over a 25-year period finds (...)
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  22.  9
    Repair of the Soul: Metaphors of Transformation in Jewish Mysticism and Psychoanalysis.Karen E. Starr - 2008 - Routledge.
    _Repair of the Soul_ examines transformation from the perspective of Jewish mysticism and psychoanalysis, addressing the question of how one achieves self-understanding that leads not only to insight but also to meaningful change. In this beautifully written and thought-provoking book, Karen Starr draws upon a contemporary relational approach to psychoanalysis to explore the spiritual dimension of psychic change within the context of the psychoanalytic relationship. Influenced by the work of Lewis Aron, Steven Mitchell and other relational theorists, and drawing (...)
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  23. The Passions and the Imagination in Wollstonecraft's Theory of Moral Judgement.Karen Green - 1997 - Utilitas 9 (3):271.
    According to Wollstonecraft. This suggests that for her ethical judgement is based on reason, and so she is an ethical cognitivist. This impression is upheld by the fact that she clearly believes in the existence of ethical truth and has little sympathy with subjectivism. At the same time, she places a great deal of importance on the role of the emotions in ethical judgement. This raises the question how the emotions can be relevant if ethics consists in a realm of (...)
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  24.  78
    Ethical issues in tissue banking for research: The prospects and pitfalls of setting international standards.Karen J. Maschke & Thomas H. Murray - 2004 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 25 (2):143-155.
    Bauer, Taub, and Parsi's review of an international sample of standards on informed consent, confidentiality, commercialization, and quality of research in tissue banking reveals that no clear national or international consensus exists for these issues. The authors' response to the lack of uniformity in the meaning, scope, and ethical significance of the policies they examined is to call for the creation of uniform ethical guidelines. This raises questions about whether harmonization should consist of voluntary international standards or international regulations that (...)
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  25.  40
    The degree spectra of homogeneous models.Karen Lange - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (3):1009-1028.
    Much previous study has been done on the degree spectra of prime models of a complete atomic decidable theory. Here we study the analogous questions for homogeneous models. We say a countable model A has a d-basis if the types realized in A are all computable and the Turing degree d can list $\Delta _{0}^{0}$ -indices for all types realized in A. We say A has a d-decidable copy if there exists a model B ≅ A such that the elementary (...)
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    Feminism, law, and bioethics.Karen H. Rothenberg - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (1):69-84.
    : Feminist legal theory provides a healthy skepticism toward legal doctrine and insists that we reexamine even formally gender-neutral rules to uncover problematic assumptions behind them. The article first outlines feminist legal theory from the perspectives of liberal, cultural, and radical feminism. Examples of how each theory influences legal practice, case law, and legislation are highlighted. Each perspective is then applied to a contemporary bioethical issue, egg donation. Following a brief discussion of the common themes shared by feminist jurisprudence, the (...)
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  27. Introduction: Wittgenstein, modernism, and the contradictions of writing philosophy as poetry.Michael LeMahieu & Karen Zumhagen-Yekplé - 2017 - In Zumhagen-Yekplé Karen & LeMahieu Michael (eds.), Wittgenstein and Modernism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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  28. When Slaughter Makes Sense.Peter Singer & Karen Dawn - unknown
    For the past month, the nightly television news has been showing us animals being slaughtered. Governments in 10 Asian countries have killed more than 25 million ducks and chickens to stem the spread of avian flu. China has drowned thousands of civet cats suspected of spreading Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome, the often-lethal disease usually abbreviated to SARS. Here in the United States, more than 700 dairy cows, so far, have been killed in order to contain any possible spread of mad (...)
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  29.  68
    Women, Hegel, and Recognition in The Second Sex.Karen Green & Nicholas Roffey - 2010 - Hypatia 25 (2):376 - 393.
    This paper develops a new account of Beauvoir's "Hegelianism" and argues that the strand of contemporary interpretation of Beauvoir that seeks to represent her thought in isolation from that of Jean-Paul Sartre constitutes a betrayal of the philosophy of recognition that she denves from Hegel. It underscores the extent to which Beauvoir influenced Sartre's Being and Nothingness and shows that Sartre and Beauvoir both adapted Hegel's ideas and agreed in rejecting his optimism.
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    In Good Light.Roger Eberhard, Karen Sinsheimer & Bernhard Schlink - 2011 - Verlag Scheidegger and Spiess.
    As an effect of the recent economic and financial crisis in the USA, a vast number of people have suddenly lost their jobs and income and often also their home. Many of them still live in their cars or even just in the streets. In spring 2007, the young.
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  31.  20
    Contesting Motherhood in the Age of AIDS: Maternal Ideology in the Debate over Mandatory HIV Testing.Karen Zivi - 2005 - Feminist Studies 31 (2):347-374.
  32.  25
    The Believing Scientist: Essays on Science and Religion. By Stephen M. Barr.Karen R. Zwier - 2018 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 92 (4):703-706.
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    Playing with Sound: A Theory of Interacting with Sound and Music in Video Games.Karen Collins - 2013 - MIT Press.
    In "Playing with Sound," Karen Collins examines video game sound from the player's perspective.
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    'A fierce green fire': Passionate pleas and wolf ecology.Karen Jones - 2002 - Ethics, Place and Environment 5 (1):35 – 43.
    This paper considers the relationship between scientific rationality and emotional value in determining ideas about canine biology in North America. While science has been assumed to be objective, unassailable and devoid of value judgments, esoteric theories concerning wild predators have changed radically over time. Biologists acted as important agents in the campaign to eradicate Canis lupus from the USA during the late 1800s and early 1900s. From the 1920s onwards, scientists promulgated ecological ideas in order to redeem native carnivores. This (...)
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  35.  62
    Per canales Troporum : On Tropes and Performativity in Leibniz's Preface to Nizolius.Karen S. Feldman - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (1):39-51.
    In this article I claim that Leibniz's 1670 preface to a sixteenth-century text on rhetoric by Marius Nizolius offers a historical perspective on the relationship between figurative language and performativity in philosophical discourse. To begin with, although Leibniz argues in the Preface to Nizolius against the use of rhetoric, eloquence, and specifically tropes in philosophical discourse, nevertheless his prescriptions for philosophical clarity implicate a "channel of tropes" in what could be described as a retroactive, performative assignation of proper usage. Moreover, (...)
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  36. The things we share: Ethnic performativity and "whatever being".Karen Shimakawa - 2004 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 18 (2):149-160.
  37.  21
    Elena Ficara, The Form of Truth: Hegel’s Philosophical Logic.Karen Koch - 2022 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 43 (2):421-424.
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    Homo relationalis.Karen Joisten - 2018 - Eco-Ethica 7:83-94.
    Given an ethic of interdependence in the different dimensions between global and interpersonal/individual, the article focuses on the individual human being under the guiding principle of interdependencies. Apart from blocking interdependencies, primarily promoting interdependencies are exhibited. That means those that awake and promote the creative abilities, and enable individuals to introduce their original values and norms into existing moral contexts and also to change them. The thesis examines the effect of interdependencies in an inner-individual (and ultimately also in interpersonal) dimension. (...)
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    Zaboravljanje i potiskivanje vještina.Karen Joisten - 2024 - Synthesis Philosophica 39 (1):47-60.
    Die These dieses Beitrages lautet, dass die Primärrisiken von „autonomen“ Techniken darin bestehen, dass sie in eine Fähigkeitenvergessenheit und in eine Fähigkeitenverdrängung menschlicher Grundfähigkeiten einmünden. Um diese These plausibel zu machen, wird der Mensch zunächst vor dem Hintergrund eines Fähigkeitenansatzes, den man auch Capability Approach nennt, gedeutet. In diesem Zusammenhang werden drei zentrale Bestimmungen des Menschen herausgearbeitet, nämlich die Körperlichkeit und die Leiblichkeit des Menschen und das kulturelle Bezugs- und Beziehungsgewebe, innerhalb dessen der Mensch mit seiner Geburt eingewoben ist. Unter (...)
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  40.  27
    Vicarious reinforcement and model's behavior in verbal learning and imitation.Karen J. Kaplan - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 95 (2):448.
  41.  39
    Issues Concerning a Nativist Theory of Numerical Knowledge.Karen Wynn - 1992 - Mind and Language 7 (4):367-381.
  42. Preparation for future learning : exploring the efficacy of problem-pased learning and cross-curricular experiences.Phil Vahey Karen Swan, Tina Stanford Ken Rafanan, Mark van 'T. Hooft Louise Yarnall & Dale Cook Annette Kratcoski - 2015 - In Andrew Walker, Heather Leary & Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver (eds.), Essential readings in problem-based learning. West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press.
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    Oxford Studies in Metaphysics Volume 10.Karen Bennett & W. Zimmerman - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
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    Reconciling protection with scientific progress.Karen J. Maschke - 2005 - Hastings Center Report 35 (5):3-3.
  45.  2
    The effectiveness of the OECD Guidelines' NCP procedure.Aziza Mayar & Karen Maas - 2024 - Business and Society Review 129 (3):479-501.
    The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises have become increasingly relevant in the debate on the role of business in society. This instrument for responsible business conduct (RBC) is considered to be unique due to its implementation mechanism, the National Contact Point (NCP) procedure. The NCP procedure applies a pragmatic stakeholder engagement approach to contribute to the effectiveness of the OECD Guidelines. However, little is known about the effects of the NCP procedure. To fill this gap, this study provides insights into (...)
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  46. Sensationalism versus news of the moral life: Making the distinction.Karen L. Slattery - 1994 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 9 (1):5 – 15.
    This study argues that there is a moral dimension to sensational news. The study assumes that citizens have a moral interest in the community because moral standards play a role in governing social behavior. Some news, labeled as sensational, reflects news of the moral life of the community and is related to the community's moral well-being. This study addresses the problem of making the distinction between such news and news that is sensational for its own sake. This study also suggests (...)
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  47.  31
    (1 other version)Peacemaking and philosophy: A critique of justice for hero and now.Karen J. Warren - 1999 - Journal of Social Philosophy 30 (3):411–423.
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    Invisible economics of nursing: analysis of a hospital bill through a Foucauldian perspective.Karen B. Lasater - 2014 - Nursing Philosophy 15 (3):221-224.
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    Reconceiving Feminism.Karen Warren - 1989 - Social Philosophy Today 2:135-146.
  50.  28
    Book in Review: Gender, Class, and Freedom in Modern Political Theory, by Nancy J. Hirschmann. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2008. 342 pp. $24.95 (paper). [REVIEW]Karen Zivi - 2009 - Political Theory 37 (4):582-585.
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